Sentier ENS Basse Vallée du Viaur – Bor-et-Bar
Route details
Views of the Viaur valley, the Maraval peninsula, the Infournats, Bor, Bar and St André de Najac.
This circuit is marked with yellow PR.
ENS Lower Viaur Valley – Bor-et-Bar trail
Distance:9,1 km
Max Altitude :356 m
Your itinerary
Stage 1: Departure from the village of Bor-et-Bar
From the car park, go up the D69 for 100 m. Before leaving the village, turn right for 400 m on the small road towards Bor.
Step 2: Towards the hamlet of Laurélie
Turn right on a wide level path for 2 km to the hamlet of Laurélie (view of the village of Bar and the Viaur valley).
Step 3: In the chestnut wood
Before the last houses, go right down a path between the boxwoods then a wood of chestnut trees. Go straight down to the banks of the Viaur.
Step 4: Viaur Valley
Go along the Viaur downstream, following a wide path for 2 km. Continue on the small Rougayrès road to the crossroads of the D69 and the Vicasse bridge (former Bar mill).
Step 5: Cessetières
Go up the D69 to the right for 100 m then turn left towards Cessetières (campsite). Cross the hamlet and continue on the small road then on the track along the Viaur (picnic tables).
Stage 6: Roc du Gorb
The valley narrows, at a crossroads, leave the main track and the Viaur and turn right onto the path which climbs (passage under the cliffs – risk of rock falls). Go back to Bar via a sunken path.
The Rock of the Gorb
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