Every Sunday morning, go to one of the Most Beautiful Villages in France to stroll around the Najac market. Fill your bag with fresh, local products before visiting this exceptional site.

What day is the Najac market?

The Najac market takes place on Sunday morning on the Place du Faubourg, in the heart of the castral village. Arranged to develop markets, this square, long and narrow, is bordered by two rows of houses which formed a linear housing estate. Admire, in the extension of the square, the long street that stretches to the fortress. This perspective seems straight out of a fairy tale!

Najac market

To the south, the stone or half-timbered houses from the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries are extended by covers under which the goods for sale were sheltered. Even today, the square is a place of trade and commerce where you can meet merchants and producers. Don't forget your basket and fill it with good fresh and local products!

A themed market

At certain times of the year, the market is placed under a particular theme! Seedling market local producers, market well-being, market craft knife or chestnuts… The event is reinvented throughout the year to the delight of day visitors and locals alike. 

On this occasion, meet artisans et local producers and spend some time in a friendly atmosphere. 

After your market, don't forget to push the door of the craftsmen's stalls!

An emblematic product: Fouace

From the Latin “Focus”: hearth, the fouace is the Provençal heritage of the savory form of fougasse, in a sweet version. It's the cake the brioche type that takes the Aveyronnais back to their childhood, the palm tree cake and Catholic religious festivals. Behind its simplicity, this Proust madeleine hides beautiful stories of sharing and transmission. If time passes and recipes change, one thing remains the same: its subtle scent of orange blossom. 

Ideal for breakfast or snack, don't forget to bring some back to your basket! 

Najac market

Did you know?

Every year, at the end of August, the village of Najac celebrates Saint-Barthélemy and the fouace! Spread over three days, this highlight of the summer brings together all generations around a colorful program.

16 August 18 August 2025

Najac Fouace Festival

On the occasion of Saint-Barthélemy, savor an essential specialty of Aveyron… Fouace! Like a regional star, this brioche cake is celebrated at the Najac festival in August. A gourmet and festive product: the fouace! Fouace, a crown-shaped cake flavored with orange blossom, looks like a brioche in…

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