Route details
By booking in advance for a group of 10 people, you can visit the old priory.
Not marked to date. Follow the gpx track and the description carefully.
Discovery of the dolmens of Quercy – Laramière
Distance:10,7 km
Max Altitude :383 m
Your itinerary
Step 1: Departure from the priory of Laramière

Leave the church and the priory behind you and head back towards the road which you will take on your right, then immediately left towards the first path. Walk along a pine forest in the middle of which you can see an old windmill.
After a few meters, take the tarmac road on the right then immediately left towards the 1st path which is marked in white and red (GR36) towards Beauregard. You will follow this marking for about 4 km.
Once on the tarmac road, on your left, you will see a small wooden gate. Possibility to go see the dolmen of Marsigalliet. At the end of the straight line turn left still on the road for a few meters then you will be on a track. Follow it for 1.3 km.
Step 2: Leave the GR36

Turn left and no longer follow the GR markings that go towards Beauregard. Stay on the track that goes straight ahead then take the 3rd path on your right; this path is slightly uphill. Then cross the departmental road and take a new track opposite where you will find the sign indicating "Dolmen".
Continue straight ahead to reach a new road. Take it on the left for 300 m then take the first path on your left. Continue straight ahead. Ignore a first path on your right (it leads to Mas de Beaujot), then a second path on your right. When you reach the intersection of 1 paths, take the first path on the right. You will find the road that you will take on the left. It will take you to Laramière.
In the village, turn left to return to the Priory of Laramière where you are parked.
Former priory of Laramière
Laramière Windmill
Dry stone cabin
Marcigalliet Dolmen
Butte said
Cloup-Lestang water point
Lake of Fons Naouto
Peyro Levado Dolmen
Shoeing animals
To discover nearby
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