
Rendez-vous d'Oc à Ambeyrac

Friday November 29
Salle des fêtes d'Ambeyrac 12260 Ambeyrac
Bilingual French-Occitan dramatized reading "Loïsa Paulin, Confessions and Poetry"

Friday, November 29 at 20 p.m. at the Ambeyrac community center, come and attend readings of texts by the poet Louisa Paulin. 

Bilingual French-Occitan dramatized readings by Mélissande Artus from the company Cultura e Companhia followed by a discussion with Marie-France Fourcadier on the life and work of Louisa Paulin.

A drink will be offered by the Ambeyrac library.


  • Literature, stories
  • Poetry

All dates and times

Opening hours on November 29, 2024
20 h



Access map


Salle des fêtes d'Ambeyrac
12260 Ambeyrac
How do I get there?

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